Writing a resume

A resume is a vital tool for success in job hunting. A professional resume should present your relevant and important information in a precise and attractive way to employers.

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Canadian style resume writing

When writing a resume in Canada, the following guidelines are generally followed:

  1. Contact Information: This is where you provide your name, phone number, email, and address. Including your LinkedIn profile is also a good idea if it is up-to-date and professionally developed.

  2. Objective Statement/Profile Summary: This is a brief introduction about who you are, what you can do, and what you’re looking for. It is generally customized to suit the job you’re applying for.

  3. Work Experience: List your work experiences in reverse chronological order (most recent job first). Include the name of the company, the dates you worked there, your job title, and bullet points of your duties and achievements.

  4. Education: In this section, list your relevant educational experiences, also in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the institutions, the dates you were there, and the qualifications you received.

  5. Skills: List the relevant skills you have. This could be a mix of both hard skills (like proficiency in a foreign language or computer programming) and soft skills (like communication or problem-solving).

  6. Volunteer Work/Community Involvement: This is particularly important if you’re new to the job market or if you’re changing careers. It shows you have skills and experiences outside of a work environment.

  7. References: Unlike some countries, it’s not necessary to list references on a Canadian resume. You can simply state “References available upon request” at the end of your resume.


  • Keep your resume short and concise. Aim for 1-2 pages, 3 pages max.
  • Use bullet points for descriptions rather than long sentences.
  • Customize your resume for each job application.
  • Avoid using complex jargon and acronyms.
  • Proofread to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Save your resume in PDF format to maintain the formatting across different devices and platforms.

Please note that these explanations are just a general guide and each case is reviewed separately and based on your conditions. It’s better to complete the assessment form and consult with experienced Resume Services consultants.